SCOM Agent Installation Error - Microsoft ESENT Keys are required
Jan 5, 2023
This article shows how to resolve an warning for Microsoft ESENT Keys being required, which you may receive when installing the SCOM Agent.
Create Custom PowerShell CPU Monitor
Dec 17, 2022
This article shows you how to create a CPU Usage Monitor that runs via PowerShell script. You can also download the example MP for testing.
Reconfigure System Center Operations Manager for Database Move Tool
Nov 23, 2022
This application is designed to allow users to update the configuration when migrating the SCOM SQL Instances to a new location. (This tool does not move the databases, i.e. Backup / Restore). Free and open-source GUI tool written in PowerShell, with multiple ways of running the script: MSI, EXE, or source PS1.
Remove Data from the SCOM Database Instantly - The PowerShell Way!
Oct 2, 2022
Sometimes you need to remove data from the SCOM Database that relates to a specific server or client. If you need it done quickly, without having to open SQL Server Management Studio, or run queries manually; you can instead use this Powershell script.