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    Assessment Failures - Azure Update Manager

    Feb 27, 2024

    This guide shows you how to potentially fix an issue I stumbled on today with Azure Update Manager and assessments on machines connected.

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    Configure periodic checking for missing system updates on azure virtual machines - Azure Update Manager Policy

    Feb 14, 2024

    This guide shows you how you can mitigate an issue with the built-in Azure Update Manager Policy that utilizes System Managed Identity and does not allow read access to Disk Encryption Set by default.

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    How to check core usage of ESU licenses - Azure Arc

    Jan 24, 2024

    This article shows how to check the core usage of ESU licenses being used in Azure Arc with Resource Graph Explorer. A huge thank you to Brian McDermott and Sachin Panwar for the original guide creation.

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    SCOM Certificate Error - ASN1 Bad Tag Value Met

    Nov 14, 2023

    Troubleshooting a SCOM issue where the certificate generation fails with an ASN1 bad tag value met error. This guide provides steps to diagnose and resolve the issue.
