This Tool will assist you in gathering ETL Traces. You have the options of selecting specific Tracing to gather with this script.
The script will perform the following, in this order:
- Stops any existing ETL Traces
- Optional: Stops the SCOM Services
- Starts the ETL Trace
- Optional: Starts the SCOM Services back up
- Script will wait for issue to occur
- Default: Pauses Script, waits until you press Enter
Optional: Sleeps for x Seconds (
-SleepSeconds 10
) -
Optional: Script will loop until an Event ID is detected (
) -
Optional: Script can sleep for any amount of seconds after an Event is detected. (
- Stops ETL Trace
Optional: Script can attempt to Format the ETL Trace (
) - Zips Up Output and Opens Explorer Window for Viewing File
How to get it
You can get a copy of the script here:
Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 Direct Download Link
Personal File Server - Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 Alternative Download Link
Personal File Server - Start-ScomETLTrace.txt Text Format Alternative Download Link
How to use it
Open Powershell Prompt as Administrator:
All Available Commands
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -GetAdvisor -GetApmConnector -GetBID -GetConfigService -GetDAS -GetFailover -GetManaged -GetNASM -GetNative -GetScript -GetUI -VerboseTrace -DebugTrace -NetworkTrace -SleepSeconds -RestartSCOMServices -DetectOpsMgrEventID
Get Verbose Native ETL Trace
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -GetNative -VerboseTrace
Get Verbose Native ETL Trace and Format the trace
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -GetNative -VerboseTrace -FormatTrace
Gather Verbose ETL Trace and detect for 1210 Event ID (Sleep for 30 Seconds between checks)
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -VerboseTrace -DetectOpsMgrEventID 1210 -SleepSeconds 30
Gather Verbose ETL Trace and detect for 1210 Event ID (Sleep for 30 Seconds between checks) and sleep for 10 seconds after finding the Event ID
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -VerboseTrace -DetectOpsMgrEventID 1210 -SleepSeconds 30 -SleepAfterEventDetection 10
Restart SCOM Services after starting an ETL Trace. Sleep for 2 Minutes and stop the Trace Automatically
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -Sleep 120 -RestartSCOMServices
Get All ETL Traces
Get Verbose Tracing for all the Default Tracing Available (just like running this: -GetAdvisor -GetApmConnector -GetBID -GetConfigService -GetDAS -GetFailover -GetManaged -GetNASM -GetNative -GetScript -GetUI)
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -VerboseTrace
Get Debug Tracing for all the Default Tracing Available (just like running this: -GetAdvisor -GetApmConnector -GetBID -GetConfigService -GetDAS -GetFailover -GetManaged -GetNASM -GetNative -GetScript -GetUI)
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -DebugTrace
Get Verbose Tracing for all the Default Tracing Available and Network Tracing (just like running this: -GetAdvisor -GetApmConnector -GetBID -GetConfigService -GetDAS -GetFailover -GetManaged -GetNASM -GetNative -GetScript -GetUI)
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -VerboseTrace -NetworkTrace
Get Verbose Tracing for all the Default Tracing Available and OpsMgrModuleLogging for Linux Related Issues
.\Start-ScomETLTrace.ps1 -VerboseTrace -OpsMgrModuleLogging
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