Resolve Operations Manager Event ID 33333

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:book: Introduction

I had a case recently where my customer was having issues with the following Event ID 33333 on all the Management Servers in the Management Group.

This is the Exact Event Information:

Log Name:      Operations Manager
Source:        DataAccessLayer
Date:          7/7/2021 2:19:52 PM
Event ID:      33333
Task Category: None
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Data Access Layer rejected retry on SqlError:
 Request: p_StateChangeEventProcess -- (BaseManagedEntityId=2ee6ce9a-6ec1-4a16-335b-700136600z60), (EventOriginId=b48055d3-18f2-40f7-a0e7-a0f8bd1b44a3), (MonitorId=f1baeb56-8cce-f8c7-79ae-d69796c9d926), (NewHealthState=3), (OldHealthState=1), (TimeGenerated=7/7/2021 6:19:43 PM), (Context=), (RETURN_VALUE=0)
 Class: 14
 Number: 2627
 Message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_StateChangeEvent'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.StateChangeEvent'. The duplicate key value is (b48055d3-18f2-40f7-a0e7-a0f8bd1b44a3).

:page_with_curl: How to fix

This Powershell Script will allow you to detect for Event ID 33333 being generated and get a count of unique Servers referenced across your OperationsManager Event Log:

$events = (Get-EventLog -LogName 'Operations Manager' -Source 'DataAccessLayer' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.EventID -eq 33333 })
# If Event 33333 found in the OperationsManager Event Log, do the below
if (($events.Message -like "*Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_StateChangeEvent'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.StateChangeEvent'. The duplicate key value is*") -and ($events.Message -like "*f1baeb56-8cce-f8c7-79ae-d69796c9d926*"))
		$message = $events | %{ ($_ | Select-Object -Property Message -ExpandProperty Message) }
		$matches = $message -split "," | select-string "MonitorId=(.*)"
		$match = $matches.matches.groups[1].value.TrimEnd(")")
		$i = $i
		"Found $($message.count) issues with the Event ID 33333 (Monitor Id: $match), see the following article:`n"

Run the above script on each of your Management Servers in your Management Group.

I found that this correlates to this article written by Kevin Holman:

Following the steps in the article above, will resolve the issues you are having with Event ID: 33333 Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_StateChangeEvent'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.StateChangeEvent'. .

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Blake Drumm

I like to collaborate and work on projects. My skills with Powershell allow me to quickly develop automated solutions to suit my customers, and my own needs.

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About Blake Drumm

My name is Blake Drumm, I am working on the Azure Monitoring Enterprise Team with Microsoft. Currently working to update public documentation for System Center products and write troubleshooting guides to assist with fixing issues that may arise while using the products. I like to blog on Operations Manager and Azure Automation products, keep checking back for new posts. My goal is to post atleast once a month if possible.

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